Healthy use of screens in early childhood (0-6 years)

  • Try to avoid screens if your child is under 3.
  • Focus on free play, physical exercise and interactions with others.
  • Set rules for screen use from an early age.
  • Observe the age recommendations on programmes, games and apps.
  • Choose the content your children watch based on the age of the youngest viewer.
  • Focus on interactive content.
  • Watch the content with your child and discuss it with them.
  • Encourage them to talk about their feelings.
  • Do not expose your child to screens during meals or before bedtime.
  • Limit your own use of screens in your child’s presence.

Screens should not prevent your child from:

  • exploring their surroundings.
  • being physically active.
  • using their five senses.
  • interacting with their social environment.
  • developing their language skills.
  • playing with other children.
  • being creative.
  • using their imagination.