Living with screens

For the past few years, screens and new technologies have been part of our daily lives. As parents, we use them for communication, work and entertainment. Our children are also exposed to screens, both through our own use and later theirs, as they gain their own experience. Depending on their age, they may start playing video games and using the Internet and social media.

With all this digital media exposure, how can we help our children develop healthy, safe and responsible practices? How can we maintain a balance within our families?

Here is some guidance from Action Innocence to help your children through this learning process.

With all this digital media exposure, how can we help our children develop healthy, safe and responsible practices? How can we maintain a balance within our families?

Here is some guidance from Action Innocence to help your children through this learning process.

Presentation of the Foundation

Established in 1999, Action Innocence is a Geneva-based Foundation that aims to promote a healthy and moderate use of screens. Along with conducting large-scale public awareness campaigns, the Foundation provides in-school interventions, creates prevention materials, and develops training programs for education and health care professionals.